What do I mean by saying shooting in a “moderate” slow motion mode? Well, if you are not a scientist and you aren’t planning in the near future to become a star of Youtube with your ultra slow motion video clips, you really should think about other video cameras, which do the thing and do it in an appealing way.

What is the purpose of having a camera able to shoot in variable frame rate in the range of for example 1-60 fps? This kind of magic motion box won’t be able to capture bullets dissecting the air or grab the physics of a crumbling window. But that’s ok. Even the modest capability to slow video with hardware instead using software in post production rewards camera man and video artist with the result they get.

Moderate Slow Motion Also Makes An Impression Panasonic AG - AF100

I have a Panasonic AG-AF100 video camera which lets mildly accelerate or slow the video material. And this is an option which I really like a lot. Opportunity to manipulate speed within a camera makes footage clear, concrete, professional and of the same quality compared with video captured in standard frame rates. When you have it in front of your eyes you’ll never plan again to adjust the speed later with your video editing software. You’ll always do it with your camera.

Moderate slow motion is irreplaceable in various types of cinematography business: wedding films, advertising, television, music videos, blogging and so on. And Panasonic AG – AF100 is a truly budget camera to serve this aim.

Have a look at AG-AF100’s official sample video footage. Demonstration of a variable frame rate is at 3:34.